Double-clicking the layer will let you change it's name.Under the new set button there's a button to clear the layer you have selected and next to that you can press the trash can to delete the layer entirely.Underneath the new layers there are two ways to merge a layer into the one beneath it. FireAlpaca is the free Digital Painting Software that is available in 10 languages and compatible with both Mac and Windows.Next to that is the "New Layer Set" button, pressing it gives you folders you can put groups of layers in and control them as if they're one.Simple Tools That Can Be Accessed Very Quickly. This gives you a special kind of layer that has a different set of tools. 24 Best Stencil Fonts Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Affinity Designer Affinity Photo Affinity Publisher Adobe InDesign Procreate Paint Tool Sai. Paint Tool SAI 2 Free software is designed as an all-in-one software, which allows you to edit images easily, making it one of the most popular software among users because of its extensive range of tools and ease of use. Next to the new layer button is the "New Linework Layer" button.If you use SAI Ver. Above the list of layers there is an icon of a blank page with a folded corner, clicking that will give you a new layer. SAI Ver.1 does not support high DPI monitors, and Windows 10 does not apply DPI scaling for SAI Ver.1.On each layer there is an image of an eye, clicking the icon will toggle the visibility of the layer.Inspired by Paint Tool SAI, Oekaki Shi Painter, and Harmony. They allow you to change parts of an artwork without touching the rest and change how things overlap in your artwork. Paint online with natural brushes, layers, and edit your drawings. On the side of your window, there should be a large grey box with a small purple box inside it that says "Layer 1." Layers are like painting on sheets of glass and placing the sheets on top of each other to make a picture.