They all have blue eyes that rarely stay that way when they get older. Females are typically smaller and may only reach 17 inches at the shoulders and weigh 30 pounds, while larger males can near 85 pounds. As adults, they can be anywhere from 18 to 20 inches tall and weigh from 40 to 75 pounds. Their size at eight weeks gives little clue to what they will become. Pitbull puppies for sale often look like tiny bears.

Pitbull puppies all beg you to take them home it seems. General Description of Pet Purebred Pitbull Puppies If you are considering adding an American Pitbull to your home, how do you go about separating fact from exaggeration and myth? The truth is a Pitbull is like any other breed in that you must sift through the available information to determine if the dog type is a good fit for your personality, family, and lifestyle. The breed is energetic, playful, and eager to please. Despite possessing a reputation for dogfighting and dangerous biting, the American Pitbull can be a joyous addition to an active family. Pitbulls are medium to large-sized dogs that are generally docile, even-tempered, and good-natured. You may never have met an American Pit Bull but you surely have an opinion, whether based on media coverage or the opinions of impassioned individuals. The word Pitbull evokes many different emotions. Pitbull puppies for sale under $200 No Matter the Breed: Ways to Select Good Family Pitbull Puppies